
Dog Training Follow Through is Important

Dog Training Follow Through, the importance of Consistency.

When consulting with a prospective training client, I am often asked dog training follow through“How much training will my dog need?”. My answer, “That depends on many variables. Your dog of course, but mostly on your consistency and follow through in applying the techniques you will be learning.”.  [Read more…]

Helping Your Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

Living In Fear, Helping Your Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

Living a life filled with fear or anxiety is no fun for humans or dogs. In fact, it is a terrible way to live. Feelings of anxiety, nervousness fearful dog hidesand fear flood the body with toxic chemicals and can shorten a lifespan. Helping your fearful dog gain confidence can be as simple as introducing exercise into their routine, implementing basic obedience skills, coping skills and using something pleasurable (food or toys) to change the way your dog feels about the fearful object or environment.

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6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogs

6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogspotty training tips for puppies and dogs

I receive many calls regarding potty training both for puppies and adult dogs. With the holiday season there will be many more calls as puppies and dogs are high on the Christmas wish list.

Most people know that a puppy must be potty trained. When adopting an adult dog, you may think that they should already be potty trained. However, if the dog is being adopted from a shelter

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Immunization vs Socialization

When Is It Safe to Socialize My Puppy: Immunization vs Socialization

As a new puppy owner, you may have been told by your Puppies playing socializationveterinarian, read on the web or heard from other dog owners that you should not socialize your puppy until they have been fully vaccinated. That socialization can wait.

If you heed this advice you will be missing a critical developmental period. Doing so can result in negative behavior issues as they [Read more…]

Training Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling By You and Others

How to Train Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling.

Can You Touch Your Dog? Anywhere?

One of the most important things you can teach your puppy or dog training dog to accept handling by groomeris to allow handling and touch to any and all of his body parts. Teaching him that being touched either by you, a pet professional or accidently in an inappropriate way such as a pull on the ear by a child is no big deal or better yet is good. Training can help keep him calm and prevent aggression. Aggression can result in your dog having to be muzzled and/or sedated at the vet or groomer. This is no fun for your dog or the professionals that have to interact with your dog.

Using treats and a marker word (yes!) or clicker you can speed up the learning process.

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Marker Training Dogs Effectively, Speeds Up Training

Marker Training Your Dog to Speed Up the Learning Process.

Marker training is simple and effective. A marker isMarker Training Dog a sound (either from a clicker or a word such as “Yes!”) that marks the exact moment an animal performs a desired behavior. When charged up, the marker tells your dog that they did something good and that a reward is coming.

I like to use the word “yes!” because it eliminates the need to carry a clicker around wherever I go. (I always have my mouth with me!). [Read more…]

4 Simple Tips to Sharpen Your Dog’s Basic Commands

4 Simple Tips to Sharpen Your Dog’s Basic Commands

It’s easy to have your dog become really good at performing the basic commands of sit, down, stay & come when called. Working these basic commands into their daily routine ensures that when you actually need them to perform one of these skills, your dog will be very good at it. This can be a lifesaver!

Think about it… if I taught you a new skill but you only had to use it once in a while, you would most likely not be very good at it. However, if you used that new skill every day then you would be quite excellent at it and could perform it whenever you needed to. It’s the same for dogs! [Read more…]

Bad Dog or Bored Dog? 10 Tips to Increase Good Behavior in Your Dog

Bad Dog or Bored Dog?

Is your dog bad or just bored?

If you ask me, there are no bad dogs, really. They are either bored and/or maybe justbad dog or bored dog haven’t been taught desirable positive behaviors. Dogs don’t want to misbehave. Quite the contrary, they want to make you happy. However, even when they have been taught/trained basic manners, if they are not getting what they need in terms of daily mental stimulation and physical exercise they may vent that energy in undesirable not to mention, negative ways.


See if any of these behaviors sound familiar…

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The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet

The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet

Foxtails -A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its foxtails (grass awns) seeds as a unit. Thus the foxtail is a type of diaspore or “plant dispersal unit”. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail“, also “spear grass”. – wikipedia

foxtails grass awnThese “foxtail like” weed clusters have barbs that when disturbed, fall and work their way into the ground making it hard for the cluster to come loose from the dirt. The outside part of the cluster also harbors bacteria composed of enzymes that break down cellular matter.  [Read more…]

5 Simple Tips for Protecting Pets in Cold Weather

Protecting pets in cold weather is a must. As cold weatherprotecting pets from cold weather begins to be the norm in the coming months, it’s time to think about your pets. There are steps you can take to protect them from the cold as well as keep them comfortable whether on a walk or even inside your home. 

Humidify for comfort. Cold temperatures are accompanied by dry air which can affect your pet in many ways. Dry throats, static electricity, difficulty breathing and dry itchy skin can indicate that a humidifier is needed. [Read more…]