The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet
Foxtails -A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its foxtails (grass awns) seeds as a unit. Thus the foxtail is a type of diaspore or “plant dispersal unit”. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail“, also “spear grass”. – wikipedia
foxtails grass awnThese “foxtail like” weed clusters have barbs that when disturbed, fall and work their way into the ground making it hard for the cluster to come loose from the dirt. The outside part of the cluster also harbors bacteria composed of enzymes that break down cellular matter.
5 Spring Pet Safety Tips
Spring is just around the corner and with it a host of hazardous things for your pet to get into! Here are some tips on keeping pets safe this spring.
Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?
Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?
What is Pet Insurance? Pet insurance is health pet insurance lawrenceville, gainsurance for pets. There are plans that cover everything from routine vet visits to catastrophic illnesses. There are plans that only cover major medical events and accidents as well. There are varying levels of deductibles and most if not all are reimbursement plans. The good news is you can use any vet you like.
5 Important Tips to Avoid Mosquito Dangers Now
By Jeannie Moreira, Mosquito Squad of Duluth-Lawrenceville
Although right now it seems to be far from the Duluth, Lawrenceville, Johns Creek, Suwanee, and other metro Atlanta areas of Georgia, we all need to be aware of what The Rhode Island Department of Health told the public late last year regarding mosquitos and Chikungunya.
Pet Sitters Tips…Cats Do The Darnedest Things
Pet Sitters Tips: Who rules the roost at your house, the cat or the dog?
Professional Pet Sitters think there is a good chance it’s the cat. They are almost always the “Alpha” over the dog. Watch this funny video. It is a purrfect example!