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5 Spring Pet Safety Tips

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5 Springtime Pet Safety Tips

Spring is just around the corner and with it a host of hazardous things for your pet to get into! Here are some tips on keeping pets safe this spring.

Plants are springing forth and unless you know exactly what’s what, keep your dog from eating, chewing and even digging around plants, mushrooms etc. Things like daffodil bulbs, crocus, Lily of the Valley, Hyacinth, Iris and more are all spring blooming and as such pose a threat to your pet. For an in depth poisonous plant list click here.

Snakes Alive! It’s hatchling season and you may have noticed that baby snakes are out and about. Snakes are obviously dangerous for your dog or cat but baby snakes are even more dangerous because they haven’t yet learned to regulate the amount of venom they inject when lashing out to defend themselves against an unsuspecting dog or cat. So typically they inject all they have. Yikes! This can be deadly for your pet. If you suspect a snake bite get your pet to your veterinarian immediately and take a photo of the snake if possible as this will help your vet determine an anti-venom.

Hippity Hoppity Easter is on its way! And with it comes chocolate, lots of it. We all know that chocolate is dangerous for dogs but so too is the Easter grass in many baskets dangerous for your cat! It’s irresistible, crinkly, crunchy texture attracts cats but if swallowed it could cause a blockage in their intestines, so keep those Easter baskets up and out of reach of your pets.

Notice anything funny about your pets lately?? Sneezing, sniffling, itching, scratching, licking or coughing up yellow foam? Seasonal allergies may be the cause. Even if they haven’t been affected before there may be something new in the air that is affecting them. Consult with your veterinarian for a diagnosis and advice.

Fleas, Ticks and Heartworms Oh My! We’ve had a particularly mild winter so get ready for bugs. If you haven’t already, now is the time to start your flea, tick and heartworm prevention treatment. There are many to choose from so consult with your veterinarian as to what is best for your pet.

Spring is a wonderful time of year to enjoy with your pet. Get out there!

Terie Hansen, Owner of Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care, Visit for more information.

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