No You Can’t Pet My Dog

Question… Do you let random strangers come up to you or your child, get into your personal space and touch you, your child? No, of course you don’t. Why? Because you don’t know them, because it would be uncomfortable, because it would make you feel nervous, anxious or even scared. Because it’s just plain weird.

Pet Disaster Preparedness Plan, Are You Ready?

If disaster strikes are you Pet Disaster Preparedness planprepared to save your pet? A Pet Disaster Preparedness plan could save a life!
Hurricane season officially started June 1st and continues through November 30th. The June report anticipates 14 named storms (including subtropical storm Andrea), six hurricanes, and two major hurricanes in 2019. A typical year has 12 named storms, six hurricanes, and three major hurricanes. Have a pet disaster preparedness plan in place.

Pet Suffocation, Snack Bag Dangers

Recently a pet sitter of ours arrived at a client’s home for their daily dog walk only to find that sadly the dog had passed away. She found the dog at the base of the stairs with a potato chip bag stuck firmly on his head. She started Cpr immediately but it was too late. Cause of death, suffocation by the snack bag

Immunization vs Socialization

As a new puppy owner, you may have been told by your Puppies playing socializationveterinarian, read on the web or heard from other dog owners that you should not socialize your puppy until they have been fully vaccinated. That socialization can wait.

New Puppy? Top 5 Tips for Bringing Him Home

Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting event for any family. To help make the transition go smoothly there are several things you can do. Remember, a new puppy is a blank slate which your are writing on everyday whether you know it or not.

5 Top Dog Parks in Gwinnett County

f you are like a lot of dog owners you enjoy taking your dog to an off leash dog park where they can socialize and make new friends. Take a look at the 5 Top Dog Parks in Gwinnett County to see what’s in your area (not in any particular order).

Is Your Dog at Risk for Deadly Bloat?

Bloat, otherwise known as Gastric Dilation and Volvulus can happen Bloat in dogswhen a dog’s stomach swells up and/or twists because it is filled with food, fluid or gas. The swelling creates pressure on the surrounding internal area. This can result in difficulty breathing, tears in the stomach wall and loss of blood flow to the heart and stomach. The twisting or “torsion” also cuts off critical blood flow to the heart and body by trapping it in the stomach both of which can send your dog into shock.

Good Dog! Pet Care inquiries