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New Puppy? Top 5 Tips for Bringing Him Home

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Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting event for any family. To help make the transition go smoothly there are several things you can do. Remember, a new puppy is a blank slate which your are writing on everyday whether you know it or not.

         New puppy experiencing                        sensory overload.

1. Stay calm. Too much excitement is sensory overload for your new puppy and can lead to an overexcited dog later on. Your puppy will reflect how you are acting. Rewarding calm behavior and ignoring or redirecting excited behaviors will help the puppy stay calm and make it easier to train him/her.

2. Take it slow and limit access to your home initially. Think of things from your new puppy’s point of view. They have just been taken from the only family they have known and are in unfamiliar surroundings with people they don’t know. It’s scary! Even if they don’t seem like they are overwhelmed they are. Limit them to one room in your home initially and over the next few days and weeks gradually introduce them to the other rooms one at a time while on leash. This will help them acclimate and gain confidence.

crate training your new puppy or dog in dacula, ga

Crate training your new puppy.

3. Crate train for safety and potty success. A crate is not a jail or punishment it is a tool which among other things helps your new puppy feel safe and limits activity thereby allowing you to help your puppy control its toileting. When used properly your pup will come to love its crate. Do not make the mistake that many owners do of thinking that a room or  doggie playpen is better than a crate. Too much room to roam means more potty accidents and every time your pup pottys in your house (even on potty pads) you are reinforcing that your home is their toilet. There will be crying the first few nights. Resist the urge to talk to or let them out when that is happening.  They are adapting to their new surroundings and it is a process. Set up a routine of taking the puppy out every few hours to potty before they cry, when they are quiet, thereby rewarding calm quiet behavior.

Allowing puppy to jump up now makes it
harder to stop the behavior later.

4. The 90 pound Rottweiler rule. Whether your puppy will grow up to be 5 lbs or 105 lbs think 90 lb Rottweiler. Any behaviors that your puppy is exhibiting that you would not allow from a 90 lb Rottweiler shouldn’t be allowed from your puppy. Example: Your puppy runs over and jumps in your lap or up on you. This seams harmless enough since he’s just a puppy right? A few months from now you may not feel the same. If he jumps up on guests in your home or tackles the neighbors children you would be embarrassed. If you allow it now you are teaching him that you like it. In a few months when you no longer like this behavior you will be trying to undo months of passive training. If you do like it (or anything else that’s ok for him to do with you but not with guests, children etc.) you can easily turn that behavior into an on demand command or trick simply by asking for the behavior and rewarding it, but correcting or redirecting if he tries the behavior when you did not ask for or initiate it. This way he knows to only perform those behavior when asked to do so.

Leash biting is
common at first.

5. Leash manners pronto! Start getting your pup used to the leash immediately, don’t wait. Too many times people wait months before putting the leash on their pup. The longer you wait the more challenging it is for you and your pup for many reasons. They’ve been able to go where ever they want for months and now you want to restrain them, what?? When you initially put a leash and collar on  try to gently guide them where you want them to go

Within minutes your puppy will be
walking beside you!

using your voice and maybe a few tasty treats. Dogs love to chase so get enthusiastic and get them to chase/follow you. If they resist, which at first many do, don’t panic. Often times they exhibit what I call the bucking bronco or fish out of water behavior (they protest and flop around, maybe bite the leash or paw at it in an effort to get free). Remain calm and just wait for it to pass and then continue on. In a few minutes they will be walking along just fine. Give them lots of praise and rewards for  taking even just one step.

Have Questions? Need Help with training your new puppy? Call us, it’s what we do! You’ll learn how to implement the tips mentioned and so much more. 404-422-9832 or email us at  You and your puppy will be glad you did! Unleash the Happy!

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