The Single Biggest Mistake You May Be Making
This may come as a surprise to many dog owners but, allowing your dog to meet other dogs or people while on leash may be the single biggest mistake you ever make. It can result in a multitude of negative outcomes and behaviors.
How to Train a Dog to Be Balanced
These words are as true for dog training as they are for anything else. How to train a dog
Many people say they want a well trained dog but not as many are willing to do what it takes to achieve that.
It’s easy to share love and affection. It’s not as easy to share structure and discipline.
New Year Resolution Just Do It
Struggling with your dog’s bad behavior? Jumping, mouthing, running out open doors, pulling on the leash, reactive towards other dogs, people, guarding, barking, OCD behaviors, crate nonsense, separation anxiety, toileting in the house? You may be experiencing some or all of these. Even if you are only experiencing a few it can seem overwhelming. Where do you even begin? dogs work it out dog jumping upMy advice… just start. Or as Nike might say for a New Year Resolution “Just Do It”.
Bring Fido, Dog Friendly Restaurant Etiquette
As the weather warms up, with it comes opportunities to bring Fido along for the ride. Taking your dog out for social experiences is a great way to bond with your dog as well as put into action those commands you’ve been teaching him. When you bring Fido to a dog friendly restaurant, etiquette is a must.
5 Simple Tips for Protecting Pets in Cold Weather
Protecting pets in cold weather is a must. As cold weatherprotecting pets from cold weather begins to be the norm in the coming months, it’s time to think about your pets. There are steps you can take to protect them from the cold as well as keep them comfortable whether on a walk or even inside your home.