
Is My Dog Playing or Being Aggressive?

Dog Play, Aggressive or Playful?

Is my dog playing or being aggressive?

Knowing how to tell if your dogs playing at dog parks in Buford, GA is my dog playing or being aggressive?dog or puppy is being aggressive or playful when playing with another dog can be tricky for an average dog owner. What looks sometimes scary, -open mouths, mouthing each other, vocalizations from growling to barking, hackles up, jumping on each other, one dog pinning another down and wrestling can actually be just play styles. Dogs often exhibit behaviors similar to those used in aggressive encounters when playing. is my dog playing or being aggressive?

So how do you know if it is aggressive or playful? [Read more…]

Senior Cats Special Needs

Senior Cats Special Needs. 

Just as human seniors may have special needs, so do senior cats.

Asenior cat special needs cat can be considered senior at ages 7-9 years and geriatric beyond that.

As your cat ages, the process can be accompanied by physical and behavioral changes. These changes may not be outwardly obvious. Their immune system can be weaker than that of a younger cat. Dehydration which is common in older cats can further diminish blood circulation and immunity. [Read more…]

Helping Your Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

Living In Fear, Helping Your Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

Living a life filled with fear or anxiety is no fun for humans or dogs. In fact, it is a terrible way to live. Feelings of anxiety, nervousness fearful dog hidesand fear flood the body with toxic chemicals and can shorten a lifespan. Helping your fearful dog gain confidence can be as simple as introducing exercise into their routine, implementing basic obedience skills, coping skills and using something pleasurable (food or toys) to change the way your dog feels about the fearful object or environment.

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6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogs

6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogspotty training tips for puppies and dogs

I receive many calls regarding potty training both for puppies and adult dogs. With the holiday season there will be many more calls as puppies and dogs are high on the Christmas wish list.

Most people know that a puppy must be potty trained. When adopting an adult dog, you may think that they should already be potty trained. However, if the dog is being adopted from a shelter

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Pet Suffocation, Snack Bag Dangers

Suffocation by Snack Bags, Is Your Pet at Risk?

Recently a pet sitter of ours arrived at a client’s home for their daily dog walk only to find that sadly the dog had passed away. She found the dog at the base of the stairs with a potato chip bag stuck firmly on his head. She started Cpr immediately but it was too late. Cause of death, suffocation by the snack bag.

When a pet sticks their head in a bag or box to get the food, their pet suffocationbreathing creates a vacuum and the bag tightens until they can’t get it off and they suffocate.

Imagine the horror. Imagine how the sitter felt, as she has known this dog for years. This however, is nothing compared to what the owner felt when our pet sitter called to inform her of what had happened. Utter devastation are the only words to describe this situation. [Read more…]

Immunization vs Socialization

When Is It Safe to Socialize My Puppy: Immunization vs Socialization

As a new puppy owner, you may have been told by your Puppies playing socializationveterinarian, read on the web or heard from other dog owners that you should not socialize your puppy until they have been fully vaccinated. That socialization can wait.

If you heed this advice you will be missing a critical developmental period. Doing so can result in negative behavior issues as they [Read more…]

Blastomycosis: Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

blastomycosis in dogsLurking in your yard, in your mulch no less could be a naturally occurring fungus that readily infects dogs, cats as well as people and can be deadly for dogs and cats if not caught early. Blastomycosis is a yeast like fungal infection caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis.

This organism is commonly found in decaying wood and soil, usually near bodies of fresh water. [Read more…]

Pet Disaster Preparedness

If disaster strikes are you Pet Disaster Preparedness planprepared to save your pet? A Pet Disaster Preparedness plan could save a life!

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma fast approaching many pets have been and will be displaced. At this point, they are forecasting Hurricane Irma will affect even those in Atlanta and outlying areas. To what extent, we will have to wait and see. During events like these, pet disaster preparedness is crucial for the safety of your pet.

Many who don’t prepare may be forced to leave their pets behind.

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Ticks, 2017 Worst Summer on Record for People and Pets

2017 Worst Summer on Record for Ticks

As reported by Nancy Hinkle, a veterinary entomologist at the University of Georgia’s Department of Entomology, “We’re seeing tick on dogticks in greater numbers than we have seen in the last decade.”

With shorter, milder winters and longer, warmer summers the tick population grows. The black legged tick, also known as the “deer tick” is common in Georgia and can live longer than you might expect. During its lifespan of 2-3 years it only needs to feed three times! Contrary to popular belief, the tick spends most of its time in the leaf litter, underbrush or on grasses and plants. NOT on a host. [Read more…]

Training Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling By You and Others

How to Train Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling.

Can You Touch Your Dog? Anywhere?

One of the most important things you can teach your puppy or dog training dog to accept handling by groomeris to allow handling and touch to any and all of his body parts. Teaching him that being touched either by you, a pet professional or accidently in an inappropriate way such as a pull on the ear by a child is no big deal or better yet is good. Training can help keep him calm and prevent aggression. Aggression can result in your dog having to be muzzled and/or sedated at the vet or groomer. This is no fun for your dog or the professionals that have to interact with your dog.

Using treats and a marker word (yes!) or clicker you can speed up the learning process.

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