Pet Suffocation, Snack Bag Dangers
Recently a pet sitter of ours arrived at a client’s home for their daily dog walk only to find that sadly the dog had passed away. She found the dog at the base of the stairs with a potato chip bag stuck firmly on his head. She started Cpr immediately but it was too late. Cause of death, suffocation by the snack bag
Whisker Fatigue, Is Your Cat Suffering?
I feel as though I am pretty knowledgeable regarding cats. I’ve owned cats all my life whisker fatigue and your catand up until recently had never heard of Whisker Fatigue. I’ve always known that a cat’s whiskers are sensitive and help them determine if they can fit through or in something (whiskers are usually about as long as a cat is wide). But in researching the topic of Whisker Fatigue I learned some new things as well.