
Blastomycosis: Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

blastomycosis in dogsLurking in your yard, in your mulch no less could be a naturally occurring fungus that readily infects dogs, cats as well as people and can be deadly for dogs and cats if not caught early. Blastomycosis is a yeast like fungal infection caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis.

This organism is commonly found in decaying wood and soil, usually near bodies of fresh water. [Read more…]

Training Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling By You and Others

How to Train Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling.

Can You Touch Your Dog? Anywhere?

One of the most important things you can teach your puppy or dog training dog to accept handling by groomeris to allow handling and touch to any and all of his body parts. Teaching him that being touched either by you, a pet professional or accidently in an inappropriate way such as a pull on the ear by a child is no big deal or better yet is good. Training can help keep him calm and prevent aggression. Aggression can result in your dog having to be muzzled and/or sedated at the vet or groomer. This is no fun for your dog or the professionals that have to interact with your dog.

Using treats and a marker word (yes!) or clicker you can speed up the learning process.

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Marker Training Dogs Effectively, Speeds Up Training

Marker Training Your Dog to Speed Up the Learning Process.

Marker training is simple and effective. A marker isMarker Training Dog a sound (either from a clicker or a word such as “Yes!”) that marks the exact moment an animal performs a desired behavior. When charged up, the marker tells your dog that they did something good and that a reward is coming.

I like to use the word “yes!” because it eliminates the need to carry a clicker around wherever I go. (I always have my mouth with me!). [Read more…]

10 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Pet Sitter

10 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Pet Sitter

I’m sure like most pet owners, you feel that your pets are not just animals they are family members. As such you want to make sure that whoever is caring for them ishiring a pet sitter to provide pet care for your dog in your home qualified to do so. As a professional pet sitter, I have heard many horror stories from new clients regarding non-professionals they have used in the past. From pets left for days without food or water, to their pet sitter canceling on them at the last minute, to the person bringing other people, friends or family members into their home, to medications not being administered correctly or at all, to complete no shows and more! These tragedies and more are what caused them to seek out a professional pet sitting service.

There a many pet sitting clearing houses online these days such as,, sittercity just to name a few. On these sites anyone can sign up and present themselves as a pet sitter. While there are professionals who post on these sites, BEWARE, many are no more than hobbyists or folks who have little to no experience at all.



The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet

The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet

Foxtails -A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its foxtails (grass awns) seeds as a unit. Thus the foxtail is a type of diaspore or “plant dispersal unit”. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail“, also “spear grass”. – wikipedia

foxtails grass awnThese “foxtail like” weed clusters have barbs that when disturbed, fall and work their way into the ground making it hard for the cluster to come loose from the dirt. The outside part of the cluster also harbors bacteria composed of enzymes that break down cellular matter.  [Read more…]

Whisker Fatigue, Is Your Cat Suffering?

I feel as though I am pretty knowledgeable regarding cats. I’ve owned cats all my life whisker fatigue and your catand up until recently had never heard of Whisker Fatigue. I’ve always known that a cat’s whiskers are sensitive and help them determine if they can fit through or in something (whiskers are usually about as long as a cat is wide). But in researching the topic of Whisker Fatigue I learned some new things as well.

Most people know that a cat’s whiskers are thicker, longer hairs but did you know [Read more…]

5 Simple Tips for Protecting Pets in Cold Weather

Protecting pets in cold weather is a must. As cold weatherprotecting pets from cold weather begins to be the norm in the coming months, it’s time to think about your pets. There are steps you can take to protect them from the cold as well as keep them comfortable whether on a walk or even inside your home. 

Humidify for comfort. Cold temperatures are accompanied by dry air which can affect your pet in many ways. Dry throats, static electricity, difficulty breathing and dry itchy skin can indicate that a humidifier is needed. [Read more…]

5 Simple Tips for Getting Your Dog to Behave in Public

Getting your dog to behave in public can be frustrating especially if you have a high getting your dog to behave in public isn't always easyenergy dog or if he/she is a young dog or puppy.

Many places we may want to take our dogs are so much more exciting from the dog’s perspective. Take Petsmart for example. Petsmart is pretty exciting from a dog’s point of view (the smell of food, treats, other dogs, happy, friendly people that say hello in a high pitched excited voice while offering treats etc). Get the picture?

To help your dog learn how to remain calm and attentive in these types of [Read more…]

Cats Causing Extinction?

cats causing extinction

Your free roaming cat, cuddly kitty and likely killer.

Cats causing extinction ? You might never think of your cuddly cat as a killer but free roaming domestic cats are causing the extinction of other species at an alarming rate. To date 33 species worldwide have become extinct due to cat predation.

The Stephens Island Wren, one of only three flightless songbirds ever known was discovered by lighthouse keeper David Lyall only to be hunted to extinction by his pet cat and a number of others shortly after. [Read more…]

Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?

Coconut Oil for Dogs. Hot or Hype?

It seems every time you turn around there is a new discoveryCoconut Oil for dogs. What’s old is new, what’s new is old. Currently Coconut based products are all the rage. What are the benefits and downsides and how does this apply to your pets?? Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?

Coconut Oil is a Tropical Treat! Considered a “Superfood” Coconut Oil provides many benefits to pets (and people). From improving [Read more…]