
Top 5 Reasons Your Cat Pees Outside the Litter Box and How to Resolve Them

Top 5 Reasons Your Cat Pees outside the Litter Box

If you’ve owned a cat you may have experienced a time when your cat eliminated outside their box. When this happens, it can be a sign that a problem exists. It’s best to get to the bottom of things quickly before your cat develops a preference for eliminating elsewhere. Here are the top 5 reasons your cat may be peeing outside their pees from urinary tract infection

  1. Urinary tract infection- If you notice your cat licking a lot, straining to pee or producing only small amounts of urine he may have a UTI.  Feline UtI can have your cat feeling an urgency to urinate, causing your cat to associate the discomfort with using her litter box.

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Whisker Fatigue, Is Your Cat Suffering?

I feel as though I am pretty knowledgeable regarding cats. I’ve owned cats all my life whisker fatigue and your catand up until recently had never heard of Whisker Fatigue. I’ve always known that a cat’s whiskers are sensitive and help them determine if they can fit through or in something (whiskers are usually about as long as a cat is wide). But in researching the topic of Whisker Fatigue I learned some new things as well.

Most people know that a cat’s whiskers are thicker, longer hairs but did you know [Read more…]