ID Your Dogs and Cats for Safety
Why is it so important to ID your dogs or cats for safety? Having up to date identification on your pet greatly increases the chances of return should your pet escape or get lost.
Don’t Bake Your Dog (Dogs In Hot Cars)
Yes, you heard me! As the days begin to warm, the temperatures in your car become hot. Hot enough to kill your dogs in hot cars. It only takes 10 minutes for the inside don’t cook your dog, dogs in hot carsof your car to reach a temperature that can cause heatstroke in your dog. According to Jules Benson DVM “Heat stroke can permanently damage a pet’s health very rapidly. The change of only a few degrees to a dog’s normal body temperature can quickly result in coma, organ dysfunction, permanent brain damage, even death”.
6 Fun Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Your Pet
If you are like me you like to find fun ways to celebrate the holidays with your pet. Here are 6 simple and fun ideas on how to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your pet.
10 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Pet Sitter
I’m sure like most pet owners, you feel that your pets are not just animals they are family members. As such you want to make sure that whoever is caring for them ishiring a pet sitter to provide pet care for your dog in your home qualified to do so. As a professional pet sitter, I have heard many horror stories from new clients regarding non-professionals they have used in the past. From pets left for days without food or water, to their pet sitter canceling on them at the last minute, to the person bringing other people, friends or family members into their home, to medications not being administered correctly or at all, to complete no shows and more! These tragedies and more are what caused them to seek out a professional pet sitting service.
Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?
Coconut Oil for Dogs. Hot or Hype?
It seems every time you turn around there is a new discoveryCoconut Oil for dogs. What’s old is new, what’s new is old. Currently Coconut based products are all the rage. What are the benefits and downsides and how does this apply to your pets?? Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?
5 Spring Pet Safety Tips
Spring is just around the corner and with it a host of hazardous things for your pet to get into! Here are some tips on keeping pets safe this spring.
House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps
House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps
House training your dog or puppy can go smoothly if you know what to do and you are consistent. Follow these 9 steps to accelerate the learning process.
6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool When Temperatures Soar
Keeping your dog cool when temperatures soar is easy if you follow these 6 simple tips.
When temperatures are extreme whether hot or cold dogs still need exercise. Young dogs, puppies or high energy breeds can get cabin fever and become Dog cooling vestdestructive if kept inside for to long without a way to release excess mental and physical energy.
5 Simple Insights, Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It?
Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It? 5 Simple Insights
Is this your idea of how to find your pet if they are lost?
microchip for dogs in lawrenceville, ga
Considering the fact that pets that HAVE a microchip are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners when lost than pets that are not. I say yes.
Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?
Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?
What is Pet Insurance? Pet insurance is health pet insurance lawrenceville, gainsurance for pets. There are plans that cover everything from routine vet visits to catastrophic illnesses. There are plans that only cover major medical events and accidents as well. There are varying levels of deductibles and most if not all are reimbursement plans. The good news is you can use any vet you like.