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5 Simple Insights, Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It?

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Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It? 5 Simple Insights

Is this your idea of how to find your pet if they are lost?

Considering the fact that pets that HAVE a microchip are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners when lost than pets that are not.  I say yes.

1. What is a microchip? A microchip is a small (just a bit larger than a grain of rice) indentifying  circuit device that carries a unique identifier which when scanned can give the matching pet recovery service (Home Again, Avid just to name a few) so they can be contacted to find out the name of the owner that the chip is registered to. That being said you must keep your registration up to date with current address phone number etc (which you can usually do easily and quickly online).

2. How does my pet get microchipped? The microchip is injected under the skin of a pet just between the shoulder blades. This procedure is simple, takes only a few seconds and us usually done by your veterinarian or rescue shelter. No anesthetic is required.

3. What is the cost of microchipping? Depending on where you get it done the cost ranges anywhere from $25-$50 which is well worth it if you ask me. The peace of mind it will give you knowing that if your pet is lost they have a much better chance of being returned to you is priceless.

4. Remember if you adopt a pet that has been previously microchipped, have your veterinarian or the shelter scan them to determine the accompanying pet recovery service and contact them to update new ownership and information.

5. Lastly, technology sometimes breaks down. Have your microchip scanned during regular check-ups with your vet to make sure it’s still works correctly.

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