Good Dog Blog

6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool When Temperatures Soar

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Keeping your dog cool when temperatures soar is easy if you follow these 6 simple tips.

When temperatures are extreme whether hot or cold dogs still need exercise. Young dogs, puppies or high energy breeds can get cabin fever and become destructive if kept inside for to long without a way to release excess mental and physical energy.

It’s easy to use the excuse that it is too hot or cold to take your dog for a walk but remember that our dogs are solely reliant on us for their needs and one of their main needs is exercise.

Here are 6 simple tips to keep your dog cool while still providing them with the mental and physical stimulation they crave.

1. Walk your dog in the early morning hours while it is still relatively cool out. Yes this may mean getting up earlier than usual but isn’t your pup worth it? While two walks a day is optimal if you can only find time for one or the other a morning walk is best because your dog has just slept all night and is at the highest level of energy.

2. Bring water and a portable dog bowl to stop for a water break along the way.

3. Splash cool water on your dog’s chest. As it evaporates it will have a cooling effect.

4. Opt for a cooling dog vest. Several types are available from wettable ones that work via evaporation to wick the heat away from your dog to others that have reusable inserts that you chill prior to use.

5. Try a cooling dog mat that your dog can lay on upon returning from your walk to help cool down quicker.

6. If you are lucky enough to have a pool, teaching your dog to swim is a wonderful means of exercise. Leashing them up and having them do laps by the pools edge while you walk alongside back and forth is a great aerobic workout and easy on their joints, which is especially important for older dogs.

The summer months are a time for fresh air fun and here in Georgia we have plenty of months that are enjoyable weather wise. So get out there early and often to satisfy your dogs need to exercise. Using these tips to keep your dog cool when temperatures soar will help make it enjoyable for both of you!

Terie Hansen Owner/Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care


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