Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?
Coconut Oil for Dogs. Hot or Hype?
It seems every time you turn around there is a new discoveryCoconut Oil for dogs. What’s old is new, what’s new is old. Currently Coconut based products are all the rage. What are the benefits and downsides and how does this apply to your pets?? Coconut Oil for Dogs, Hot or Hype?
Dog Walking, We Have No Idea When You’ll Return
As a professional, while dog walking we may meet your neighbors and they may ask “When will she be back?” “I don’t know.” Wait! You don’t know when your clients are coming back from their vacation? You won’t tell a well-meaning neighbor (supposedly) that your client will be back on X day? It’s not like they are going to break in or anything! Sheesh! Maybe they were just making conversation. Maybe they are on Neighborhood watch duty and the Lilburn pet sitter looked suspicious.
Have You Challenged Your Dog’s Brain Lately?
Is your dog eating your sofa? Digging holes in your back yard? Barking at everything that moves (or isn’t moving)? Or maybe he’s sedentary, bored out of his mind and depressed AKA lays around all day. Have you challenged your dog’s brain lately?
5 Spring Pet Safety Tips
Spring is just around the corner and with it a host of hazardous things for your pet to get into! Here are some tips on keeping pets safe this spring.
House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps
House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps
House training your dog or puppy can go smoothly if you know what to do and you are consistent. Follow these 9 steps to accelerate the learning process.
6 Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool When Temperatures Soar
Keeping your dog cool when temperatures soar is easy if you follow these 6 simple tips.
When temperatures are extreme whether hot or cold dogs still need exercise. Young dogs, puppies or high energy breeds can get cabin fever and become Dog cooling vestdestructive if kept inside for to long without a way to release excess mental and physical energy.
5 Simple Insights, Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It?
Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It? 5 Simple Insights
Is this your idea of how to find your pet if they are lost?
microchip for dogs in lawrenceville, ga
Considering the fact that pets that HAVE a microchip are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners when lost than pets that are not. I say yes.
7 Stress Signals Your Dog May Offer Prior to a Bite
Teach Your Children Well, 7 Stress Signals To Watch for Prior to a Dog Bite
Dogs can and do bite. In the US alone 850,000 people seek medical fearful dogattention for dog bites annually. When children are bitten it is usually a dog they know (theirs, neighbors, friends). While biting is usually a last resort type of communication for most dogs, it is just that, a way of communicating “I am afraid” or “I don’t like what you are doing to or around me”. Usually a dog offers another form of communication previous to a bite. Most adults and definitely children either don’t pick up on these signals or ignore them.