
5 Holiday Pet Hazards

5 Holiday Pet Hazards

The holidays are filled with shiny ornaments, twinkly lights, festive wrapping ribbons, poinsettias and pine trees not to mention all the chocolates and fancy foods  that are sure to capture the attention of your pet dog or cat. Oh how I love the holidays! As you are planning your holiday decorating, parties and gatherings keep in mind your four legged family members. While all the trimmings of the holidays are dare I say “necessary” they can also be very dangerous for your ornament in suwanee, ga

1. Holiday ornaments are beautiful and many look like toys to your dog or cat. Round and rolly looks like a ball. Keep your glass ornaments up and out of reach. Opt for plastic ornaments for the lower branches. They are so beautifully made nowadays that you can hardly tell them from their glass counterparts. This way if your cat tries to bat it off the tree or if your dog tries to play fetch with it, neither will be harmed. [Read more…]

Ticks and the Outdoors

Ticks and the Outdoors In the Fall of the year, as the weather begins to cool and the ticksbeautiful colors are bestowed upon us, please remember that ticks are still a concern for us, our pet dogs and cats (our furry four-legged family members). Ticks are known to bite and transmit disease through early November (depending on our weather).  Ticks come in different colors, and can be black, brown, or tan, and they have eight legs. Ticks are not insects.  They are actually arachnids, and are related to spiders. They can be tiny; the size of a pin-head, so be aware. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, this time of year, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear loose, long sleeved-shirts, and pants in a light color. This helps to better be able to detect a small spec more easily, that may be a tick nymph.
  • Wipe off your clothing before going inside, and do a full body tick check after coming inside.  Ticks are resilient, and can live in a dormant state on your clothes.

tick on dogTo check your pet dog or cat, pet it slowly while applying more pressure than normal. Many times, you will feel a bump that you can then look closely at. Make sure to check their elbows, inside of their legs and in between toes, and around their collar. Those are often ticks favorite hiding spot on a dog. If you do find a tick on you or your dog, follow these simple steps:

  • Remove it promptly with a pair of tweezers or commercial tick remover, and be sure to pull outward, in a straight steady motion, removing the entire tick.
  • Drop the tick into a small container that contains alcohol, which will kill the tick, and mark the date on it.  If your dog starts displaying symptoms of a tick-borne illness, your veterinarian may want to test for Lyme disease

Ticks, when they aren’t noticed and removed quickly can cause paralysis in dogs, and sometimes even humans. Some ticks carry a toxin that is released into their host while feeding. That toxin affects movement control. At Mosquito Squad, we provide our clients with effective tick control on their properties, but that can’t protect them when they leave their yards.  Applying a repellent will keep the ticks away. By following these guidelines, you can reduce tick bite concerns all season long. For more detailed information on controlling ticks around your home, visit online or call us at 770-271-1833. And remember to always consult your doctor or veterinarian with any specific health concerns.

mosquito squadBy Jeannie Moreira, Mosquito Squad of Duluth-Lawrenceville          770-271-1833 

Do I Really Need Travel Protection Insurance?

Do I Really Need Travel Protection Insurance?

travel insurance Would you purchase a home and not carry homeowners insurance?  Of course not.  Then why would you purchase a vacation without insuring your investment? Many people feel that travel protection insurance is a waste of money.  Others have the attitude that nothing is going to happen to make them cancel their plans.  The reality is that you never know when something will happen so you need to reduce your risk of losing your money that you have spent on your vacation.  travel agent, gwinnett county , gaTravel protection insurance not only covers cancellation of your trip, it also covers trip interruption.  If you are on your vacation and something happens that would require you to return home suddenly, the insurance covers extra expenses that you will incur to change your arrangements and come home early.  The policy also reimburses you for the unused portion of your trip.

In addition to trip cancellation and interruption, most policies offer benefits for the following:

• Missed Connectiontravel insurance coverage

• Itinerary change

• Travel Delay

• Change fee Coverage

• Reimbursement of Miles or Reward Points

• Accident and Sickness Medical Expense

• Emergency Evacuation/Medically Necessary Repatriation/Repatriation of Remains

• Accidental Death and Dismemberment

• Baggage and Personal Effects

• Baggage Delay

• 24-hour Worldwide Assistance Services

Travel Insurance is not expensive, so don’t risk your investment.  Travel with the peace of mind that if anything arises, you will be protected.

travel agent gwinnettPenny Dennard, CTA at Advance Travel 770-923-4204                                                 834 Pleasant Hill Road, Lilburn, Georgia 30047

Penny Dennard has been in the travel industry for over 30 years and holds the following designations …

CTC – Certified Travel Consultant

Licensed to sell insurance in the state of GA

CLIA – Cruise Line International Association

IATA – International Air Traffic Association

Cruise and Destination Specialists – (Caribbean, Europe, Australia, Alaska, South and Central America, Hawaii, Asia and Pacific and Africa)

Keep Your House Clean and Your Pets Healthy

Keep Your House Clean and Your Pets Healthy

Your pet’s health and the cleanliness of your home should be important to you. In the home you want to stay healthy, and a good clean environment goes a long way to protecting the health A Polished Touch House Cleaning of you and your family. Did you know that the cleanliness of your home can impact the health of your pet? Here are some things to consider when cleaning your home so it’s safe for your pet.

Remove Hazards to Pets

If your home is dirty, you increase the hazards that your pets come in contact with. Pets are naturally curious and they will sniff and even eat dirt if they find it in the home. They can potentially swallow small objects such as paper clips, bottle caps, papers, and other debris if these are left within your pets reach. It’s important to reduce choking hazards by removing dirt and debris from your home and keeping it clean with a good weekly vacuuming. Pets can leave a lot of mess so it’s critical that you keep things clean so they stay healthy.  You don’t want their curiosity to make them sick.

Food Poisoning and Pets

You may think it’s fine to leave food on the stove and forget about it, but your pet will pay attention to it. If you’re not careful, they may find a way to get to it and eat it, no matter what that food may be. Many foods that we eat everyday are toxic to pets and can make them quiteholiday pet danger, pet sitter sick. You need to ensure that the kitchen is kept clean and that all food is put away as soon as you’re done with it. Food scraps that end up on the floor as a result of cooking can easily be digested by your pet and may require a trip to the vet. A clean kitchen is an essential step to ensure the safety of your pet.

Hazardous Chemicals

We clean around the house and use all sorts of chemicals. These chemicals make our home smell nice and they clean up spills, but the contents can be deadly to pets too. Once you use these chemicals they should be kept in a safe area where pets can’t reach them. One idea is to have a cupboard where you store your household cleaners that you’re able to lock up so your curious pet can’t get inside and make themselves sick. Your pet could find a way into your cleaners if you don’t secure them properly in the home.

Fleas, Ticks and Other Insects

A dirty home invites insects into it especially fleas and other small insects. The first host they look for is your pet. By keeping your home clean, you reduce the chances that your pet will get sick from insect bites and that they won’t become the host for the eggs of small insects such as fleas. A good bath for your pet will help, but keeping pests out of the home in the first place is essential and a dirt environment just invites them to breed.

Clean Your Home and Keep Your Pet Safe

One of the best things you can do for your pet is to ensure they live in a clean environment. If pet care and house cleaning go hand in handyou value the health and safety of your pet you need to keep the home as clean as possible. It doesn’t take much to ensure that your pet is safe and you owe it to them to make house cleaning a top priority for the safety and well-being of both you and your beloved pet.

Emily Watson, A Polished Touch, residential cleaning in gwinnette, ga

Emily Watson of A Polished Touch-Maid Service & House Cleaning 404-975-4050

7 Tips for Keeping Dog’s Teeth Clean & Healthy

dog dental care Why dental care is important for your pet.

Dogs don’t get cavities the way humans do, but they do get plaque, tartar, and gingivitis — all of which can cause foul breath and tooth problems. Trips to the doggie dentist can end up being costly, and your dog will have to be put under anesthesia, because no dog ever “opens wide” for any dentist or vet.

Brushing your dog’s teeth is important, but how often you do it depends on your dog and your motivation factor. Poor doggie dental care, however, can lead to dental infections that can travel to your pooch’s heart, causing major problems and even death! If you’re unable to brush your dog’s teeth at home, try letting your groomer take on that hassle for you. A good teeth brushing during each grooming visit can greatly help slow down the tartar build-up process. Here are a few tips for at-home doggie dental care:

Tips for Good Doggie Dental Care

  1. Get your dog regular exams and cleanings. Good oral care doesn’t start and stop with tooth brushing. It should include regular dental exams, including X-rays and a dog dental care in lilburn, gaprofessional cleaning under general anesthesia.
  2. Start young. If you’ve got a puppy, now is the time to include brushing in his good-manners training. But have no fear, even pets in their teens can learn to love a good brushing — if you take it slow.
  3. Brush gradually and gently. Start by putting a little doggie toothpaste on their brush and let your dog lick it off. Then try touching the toothbrush to your dog’s teeth. After that, brush for a few seconds. Now, your dog is ready for a real brushing, raise her lips to expose teeth and gums. Then brush from the gum line to the tip of the tooth. Avoid opening your pet’s mouth, which can lead to panic and struggling.
  4. Use toothpaste made specifically for dogs. Toothpastes for humans contain certain types of fluorides and detergents that are meant to be spit out after you brush. Your dog will swallow toothpaste, so buy a product meant for pets. Pet toothpaste can come in a host of flavors, including poultry, beef, seafood, malt, peanut, and vanilla-mint.
  5. Use a pet-specific toothbrush. The heads of brushes made for people are too wide for a pet’s mouth, and even soft bristles are usually too hard. Talk to your veterinarian about the best toothbrush for your dog. Your vet may suggest a soft power brush. Or some vets suggest a finger brush that slips over your finger like a thimble. But avoid finger brushes if you have a small dog; your finger is just too big to be a comfortable fit for your pet’s mouth.
  6. Brush in back. For pets, dental problems are often most severe in the back, upper teeth.
  7. Chew on this. Dogs benefit greatly from chewing every day on something that helps keep teeth clean.

Keeping you dog’s teeth clean goes a long way in keeping your dog healthy.

dog and cat dental care in suwanee, ga









dog groomer pic in suwanee, gaTanera Swan Owner of Strutt Your Mutt Grooming Two Locations to serve you!

2077 Beaver Ruin Road, Suite 90-1

Norcross, GA 30071 678-691-7151

5550 Lawrenceville Highway Suite #4

Lilburn, Georgia 30047 470-395-7701

Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?

blastomycosis in dogsLurking in your yard, in your mulch no less could be a naturally occurring fungus that readily infects dogs, cats and people and can be deadly if not caught early. Blastomycosis is a yeastlike fungal infection caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis.

This organism is commonly found in decaying wood and soil, usually near bodies of fresh water. The infection usually starts out in the lungs but can invade many tissues throughout the body even causing blindness via optic lesions.

Recently my neighbor’s dog sadly passed away from this very infection. My neighbor described the initial symptom her dog exhibited was difficulty breathing, which they thought was because she was hot due to her fur being long, as well as her age possibly being a factor. They took the animal to the vet who initially misdiagnosed her and gave her antibiotics which unfortunately accelerated the illness and by the time they figured out what was causing her illness it was to late. More common in male dogs but my neighbors was a female.

The symptoms which can be vague or misdiagnosed include:eye lesions in dogs

  •  Fever
  • Loss of appetite (anorexia)
  • Weight loss
  • Eye discharge
  • Eye inflammation, specifically the iris
  • Difficulty breathing (e.g., coughing, wheezing and other unusual breathing sounds)
  • Skin lesions, which are frequently filled with pus

map of fungal infectionThis infection is quickly hitting epidemic proportions in many states. If your pet exhibits any of these symptoms ask your veterinarian to test for fungal infection as it may be mistaken for cancer and mistreated which can lead to permanent or fatal damage as in the case of my neighbor’s canine.

For more information on this topic visit  here or here

Most cases are diagnosed in late summer to early fall. Don’t let your dog fall victim to this horrific infection. Pay attention and if your dog doesn’t seem like themselves, take action!

pet sitter with her pit bull in lilburn, georgiaTerie Hansen Owner of Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care

May be reached at 404-422-9832

Why Is It Important To Keep Your Pet’s Nails Trimmed?

Why is it important to keep your pets nails trimmed and what happens if youcat and dog getting their nails trimmed don’t?

There are many different reasons to keep your pets nails trimmed. For example, if your dog’s nails get too long, they can break, which can be painful and sometimes results in infection. Long nails can also cause an irregular gait or walk that leads to skeletal damage.

Despite the importance of keeping your pets dog's nail trim before and afternails trimmed to a safe length, many people can’t or don’t like to trim their dog’s nails. It can be a daunting and scary task to tackle. It’s a task that can make both people and the animal anxious. How do you know exactly where to cut the nail? What if you trim the nail too close and cut the sensitive quick? What if your dog seems worried? Although it can seem daunting, if you keep a few guidelines in mind and maintain a consistent schedule, nail trimming doesn’t have to become a stressful chore.

grooming and trimming dog's nailsIt is important to start of teaching your pet that nail trimming doesn’t have to be an awful, scary task. Playing with your pets paws at an early age, on a consistent basis, will help give them the confidence they need! Most people do not feel comfortable with trimming their pets nails because trimming too close, can cause the nail to bleed. If you don’t feel comfortable with trimming your pets nails at home, then bring them to the professionals! We’d be happy to trim your pets nails or even show you how to properly do it. We offer two nail trimming services: the basic nail trim (which cuts the nail bluntly) and nail dremeling or nail filling (which cuts the nail smoothly).

pet nail trimming guideWhen you fail to trim your dog’s nails as frequently as needed, the quick grows along with the nail. Quicks are soft cuticles in the center of the nail that have blood vessels and nerves. If you accidentally cut the quick when trimming the nail, it will cause the nail to bleed. It is important to note that sometimes it is very difficult to get the nails as short as you would like, in a safe manner. As shown in the picture, if your pet has long quicks, because of infrequent nail trimmings, then there isn’t much of the nail that can be taken off without cutting the quick in the process.

Nail trimming is an essential part of maintaining your pets healthy lifestyle. And should be done often, whether at home, with your groomer, or with your veterinarian.

dog groomer pic in suwanee, gaTanera Swan,  Owner of Strutt Your Mutt Grooming can be reached at 678-691-7151 or  2077 Beaver Ruin Road, Suite 90-1, Norcross, GA 30071

8 Simple Steps to House Training Your Puppy or Adult Dog

house training your dog Whether house training a new puppy or an adult dog the process is much the same.  Here are some simple steps to follow to get your dog toileting where they should, outside!

Step 1: Check with your veterinarian

house training a puppy in suwnee, ga

If you have an adult dog that is toileting in the house check with your veterinarian to make sure there are no physical issues that could be causing the problem. If there is, no amount of training in the world can fix it. Once you get the all clear from your vet proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Clean soiled areas

Clean all soiled areas thoroughly with a proper cleaner. Once your dog soils your carpet or flooring his scent (bacteria) will cause him to return to that spot over and over again. You will need a cleaner with an enzyme ingredient (a good one is Nature’s Miracle, available at most large pet stores). This will kill the bacteria that your dog smells. Standard carpet cleaning won’t do it. You must have the bacteria killing enzyme.

Step 3: Feeding routine

Getting your dog on a regular feeding routine will greatly increase your for success. For puppies 3 meals a day (morning, midday and evening) is recommended and for adult dogs 2 meals a day (morning and evening) are recommend. DO NOT FREE FEED YOUR DOG! Free feeding is when you leave food out all the time. Which means your dog eats a little, drinks a little and eats a little, drinks a little, which translates to pee a little, poop a little and so on. The feeding ritual is of great importance both from a leadership standpoint, a housetraining standpoint and a dental health standpoint. I could go on and on but I won’t.

Here is how a feeding schedule should go. For this example and simplicity sake we will say feeding your puppy in grayson, gamy dog needs 2 cups of food daily to maintain a healthy weight. So, 1 cup in the am and 1 cup in the pm. I present the food (I won’t even touch on what manners should be in place so as to reward calm behavior. Email me if you want to know) to my dog. When the food goes down she has 15 minutes to eat it. Now my dog eats it in less than 2 minutes, but if your dog has been free feeding they are used to the food being there all the time so they may eat some, all or sniff it and walk off thinking it will be there later. Now ladies (and some gents) here is where you will need a strong constitution (think about your carpet and your floors, how badly do you really want to housetrain your dog???) because if your dog eats just some or none after the 15 minutes (set a timer) time you must take the food up and not give anything else (food or treats) to your dog till the next mealtime. Your dog might even skip a several meals (2-4 even!) but trust me when I say that I have never met a dog that will starve itself and your dog won’t either. Your dog will learn that when food is available they should (and will) eat it. If your dog eats some of the food, say ½ of that cup then at the next meal you would add ½ cup to make the 1 cup serving. Once you get your dog on a feeding schedule you will be so happy that you did.

Step 4:  Regular exercise

Regular exercise is a must to keep a dog’s system running smoothly. Regular walks will cause your dog to have to eliminate fully. Letting your dog out in the back yard, or taking them out on a leash only to stand there waiting for them to potty just won’t do it. Does this sound dog walking brownee with pet sitter in duluth, gafamiliar… You let your dog out to toilet. You see them pee and poop. They come back in and 10-15 minutes later they toilet in your house! That is because they did not have enough activity to move ALL the fluids and solids through their body so they only did what was emergent at the time. Puppies have to toilet after they have slept/napped, played, walked and trained. Even adult dogs who have not been properly housetrained should be taken outside after these activities.

Step 5: Supervise

Supervision is key in keeping your dog from toileting in the house. When I say supervision I house training your adult dogmean, eyeballs on the dog! If you are watching television you are not supervising the dog, if you are making dinner, taking a shower, playing with kids, checking your facebook, working from home etc you are not supervising the dog. Without proper supervision your dog can and will toilet in the house. Watch for signs that your dog has to go…circling, sniffing etc. Better yet take them outside regularly before they have an opportunity to even think about toileting in your house.

Step 6: crate

The crate is a tool that if used properly will become a place that your dog may very well go to crate training your puppy or dog in dacula, gaon their own, even when not asked to. When housetraining your dog or puppy think “baby”. If you had a human baby and you couldn’t supervise him because you had other things to do at the moment what would you do? You would put him in a playpen, crib, baby swing etc. Those are all tools to keep your baby safe and out of harms way when you have to get things done. A crate is a similar tool. The way crate training works is that it restricts the dog’s movement thereby lessening the chances of your dog having to go to the bathroom, as well as keeping them from sneaking off to toilet in your house. It is perfectly acceptable to crate your dog when you can’t supervise or are away from the house as long as you give your dog positive outlets for their energy and give them what they need when you are around. Meaning, structured walks every day, some playtime, snuggle time and attention.

Step 7: Reward positive behavior

Rewarding the behavior you want is imperative in this process. I can’t stress this enough. potty training reward, duluth, gaWhen your dog toilets outside don’t just say “good dog” , get excited, praise emphatically, pet the dog and give it a treat. Really get in there and make it known that this is where you want them to go.  I always say “how would you act if you just won a million dollars?” act like that! Your dog will think “wow, I must have done something awesome!” because they did!

Step 8: Ignore accidents

The goal of this program is to make it impossible for your dog to have an accident in the house but if they do have an accident, let’s be clear here, it’s because you didn’t take them outpotty training in snellville, ga soon enough, you weren’t supervising properly or you didn’t walk them. So then it is really not their fault. Look accidents happen, we are all human. When they do, unless you are seeing the dog do it you are to ignore it and move on. If you see the dog starting to go or they are in the process of toileting in the house make a sound “At, at, at!” short, sharp and loud. This will cause the dog to tense up and stop. You can then take the dog outside and give them a few minutes to relax and they will most likely finish what they started, after which you can praise them immensely. Reminding them that when they go outside good things happen!

pet sitter with her pit bull in lilburn, georgiaTerie Hansen, Professional Dog Trainer, Dog Walker, Pet Sitter & Owner at Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care-may be reached at 404-422-9832

What Are Fleas and Why is Your Pet Susceptible to Them?

By: Tanera Swan

pet sitter in suwanee, gaWith nearly 2,000 species and subspecies, fleas thrive in warm, humid environments, and feed on the blood of their hosts. Dogs play host to the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), whose dark brown or black body is usually one to three millimeters in length.

Why Are Dogs Susceptible to these tiny creatures?

flea life cycle, suwanee, ga

Hearty, nimble and searching for a host, these little guys can jump 10,000 times in a row (the length of three football fields). Three pairs of legs make for excellent leaping capabilities (up to two feet), and a laterally flattened body allows for quick movement in a dog’s fur.  With a complete life cycle ranging anywhere from 16 days to 21 months, depending on environmental conditions, fleas are most commonly found on a dog’s abdomen, the base of the tail and the head. With heavy infestations, however, these tiny creatures can thrive anywhere on the body. They feed once every day or two, and generally remain on their host during the interim.

What Are Some Signs of Fleas in Dogs?

– Droppings or “flea dirt” in a dog’s coat – Flea eggs on dog or in dog’s environment
– Allergic dermatitis
– Excessive scratching, licking or biting at skin
– Hair loss
– Scabs and hot spots
– Pale gums
– Tapeworms

What Are Some Complications of Fleas in Dogs?

dog boarding in loganville, gaSince fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, they can cause anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time. This is especially problematic in young puppies, where an inadequate number of red blood cells can be life-threatening to some dogs. Signs of parasitic anemia include pale gums, cold body temperature and listlessness.  When a dog has a heightened sensitivity to the saliva of fleas, just one bite can cause an allergic reaction. This condition is known as flea allergy dermatitis and causes intense itching and discomfort for your dog. Signs include generalized hair loss, reddened skin, scabs and hot spots. Flea allergy dermatitis often leads to skin infections.

 a pit bull dog, lawrenceville, gaPlease make sure your pet is on a monthly flea preventative. It is very easy to catch fleas, but extremely difficult to get rid of them once an infestation is present. Be aware, if your pet comes into our salon with an infestation he/she will be given a “medicated bath” at the owners expense. However, for the month of September, we will be offering FREE FLEA BATHS with the purchase of a full groom!

dog groomer pic in suwanee, gaTanera Swan, Owner of Strutt Your Mutt Grooming


2077  Beaver Ruin Road Suite 90-1 Norcross, GA 30071

Best Veterinarians In Gwinnett County (and some surrounding areas)

Best Veterinarians in Gwinnett County

Do you know a good veterinarian?

I get asked that a lot. Absolutely I say! Depending on where you live I have a great connection to some very special veterinarians. My top picks for veterinarians in Gwinnett County are as follows (listed alphabetically )…

Baycreek Mobile Veterinary ServicesDr. Kristen Arp 678-863-9408                                                                                                        This is a great service for many people especially those with pets who are especiallymobile veterinarian in gwinnett county stressed while riding in a car or at a vet office. Or if you just like the convenience of the Doctor coming to you! Dr. Arp is warm and caring and will make your pet feel calm and safe.  During her house calls she offers a variety of services such as administering immunizations, tests, microchipping, well care and more. If a service such a surgery or spaying/ neutering are necessary she will refer her client to the appropriate animal hospital.

Dekalb Animal Hospital-Dr. Wayne Rush 770-938-3900  (Ok they are in Dekalb county but we just had to mention them because we’ve heard great things from our clients in their area!) If you live in the Tucker area  stop in at Dekalb Animal Hospital where their goal is to help your pet live a longer healthier life. Dr. Rush and his team provide state of the art medical and surgical services that give your pet the best possible care in Dekalb. Stop in, say hello and tell them we sent you.

Lawrenceville Suwanee Animal HospitalDr. Lee Pope 770-963-0184  If you live in the Lawrenceville Suwanee area their office is locatedveterinarian in Lawrenceville and Suwanee, ga just off of Lawrenceville Suwannee Road near 316, close to Petsmart & Home Depot. Dr. Lee Pope is a graduate of the University of Georgia which is where he received his doctorate in veterinary medicine. He recently purchased Lawrenceville Suwanee animal hospital although he has been a veterinarian for some time. Dr. Pope is a great point of reference when it comes to choosing the right diet for your pet as he has extensive knowledge in animal nutrition among other things. His office staff is warm, friendly and will welcome you right away. They are up to speed on many new treatments and products. It’s always and education to chat with these folks.

Snellville Animal HospitalDr. Richard Craine & Dr. Rudy Cerjan 770-972-3838                                                                                If you live in Snellville, Lilburn, Grayson or Loganville their office is veterinarian in snellville, gaconveniently located right off Hwy 78(Main Street) not far from the intersection with Scenic Hwy. Two great veterinarians along with their staff, of whom, many have been with them for a very long time. That says a lot right there if you ask me. When you visit their office you will be greeted by smiling faces and people who make you feel right at home (shout out to Shannon & Debra!). They will answer all your questions and put your mind and your pet at ease. Their mission is to provide up to date veterinary care with old fashioned concern and they do just that.

Value Vet -Dr. Cathy Fish 770-686-3010                                        If you live in the southwest area of Lawrenceville or even the northern part of Lilburn their office is located just off of Lawrenceville Hwy. Dr. Fish and the staff areveterinarian in lawrenceville, ga ready to care for dogs, cats and some exotics. Like the name implies their goal is to keep veterinary care within reach of everyone. Their $33 office visit makes it easy and affordable to keep your pet healthy. From annual wellness exams, vaccines, lab tests, flea/tick preventatives and dental care to low cost spay and neuters they are there to help.

Veterinary Referral Surgical Practice (ok they are not in Gwinnett but I had to include them) along with Atlanta Animal Rehabilitation & Fitness (AARF for short). 770-424-6663                                                No matter where you live, if you need great orthopedic specialists or rehabilitation for your dog this is the place to go. Three locations: Roswell, Mariettaorthopedic veterinarian in georgia and Woodstock and a team of doctors ready to serve you and your pet. For over 30 years they have been providing exceptional orthopedic, neurologic and soft tissue surgical care for their pet patients in a caring and compassionate environment. Our dog Cole experienced their service first hand when she had to undergo a surgery to her knee last year. Their attention to detail and instructions for care left no question as to how we should handle her in those first few weeks postoperatively. We had an excellent experience and Cole came away as good as new!

So if we missed your area and you know of a great veterinarian near you, let us know! We’d love to hear from you and be able to share them with others. One of our goals is to be a point of contact for our clients and contacts for any needs they may have pet related or otherwise! Need something? Contact us for veterinarians and more!

pet sitter with her dog in lilburn, georgiaTerie Hansen, Professional Dog Trainer, Dog Walker, Pet Sitter & Owner at Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care-may be reached at 404-422-9832