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Dog Shock Collars ? The Truth About Contemporary Remote Collar Dog Training Off Leash K9 Training

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Dog Shock Collars? The Truth About Contemporary Remote Collar Dog Training Off leash k9 training

Terie Hansen

When most people hear the words “Shock” collar it can be both scary and offensive. The “Shock” collars of old are nothing like the contemporary Remote Collars of today. Dog shock collars off leash k9 training.

While many people think that the dog is being “shocked” into submission, the truth is, contemporary trainers, using high end remote collars apply a “pressure” that is neutral, mild and based on the same technology as TENS machines used for physical therapy in humans.  Dog shock collars off leash k9 training is freedom!

Remote collars do not “burn” a dog’s skin and in fact many quality systems of today are completely water proof! Dog shock collars off leash k9 training equals freedom for your dog.

Low level remote collar training done properly, communicates to your dog with a mild sensation that is not harming to them mentally or physically. Even at higher levels while the sensation is enough to get your dog’s attention to deter negative behaviors, won’t harm your dog or your relationship. It is non-combative in it’s approach which is especially important for reactive dogs. It allows owners to communicate in a fast and effective manner. In fact, shared training sessions will actually improve your bond with your dog.

Educated dog trainers use positive reinforcement to teach the basic commands such as sit, down, come, heel and place etc. Initially they do this with a leash and collar BEFORE ever introducing the remote collar system to the dog. Once the dog has a grasp of these foundation commands, the remote collar training is layered on top. The remote collar alone does not give the dog directional information hence the leash and collar (you still have to train the dog the commands).

Knowledgeable trainers work at the very lowest levels needed to communicate with each dog in a way that presents even less pressure on the dog than a standard leash and collar.

Choosing the right collar system is imperative. This is a classic case of you get what you pay for! A system with levels from 1-100 means the jump between one level and the next is incremental/nuanced, giving you the ability to truly whisper to your dog. Verses a system that only has 12-15 levels in which the difference between each level is huge. One level may not be enough while the next level up may be too much.

Systems like ET 300 Mini Educator by E-Collar Technologies are great. The ET-300 Mini Educator system is a soft system great for pet dog training most dogs. It has a 1/2 mile range, vibration mode and proprietary “blunt” stimulation great for low level training. Not to mention it is waterproof! For more intense dogs, the ET-800 “The Boss” may be a better match. With a bit more power and a 1 mile range it can communicate with even the highest drive dogs. These collars come with many features such as vibration mode, night tracking light, floating capabilities and lost transmitter beeper. With dog shock  collars off leash k9 training is real.

There are people who would have you think that training with a remote collar will harm your dog mentally and physically. They will show you photos of neglected dogs with embedded collars of all types and the damage that goes with them. No caring human in their right mind would do anything to harm a dog. Are there people who neglect and harm dogs? Yes, we all know that there are.

These are not reputable trainers, these are not caring owners.

If you have a dog with whom you’ve been struggling because of bad (maybe even dangerous) behaviors that you have been unable to correct, you know all to well that all the positive reinforcement in the world isn’t working. Positive reinforcement training is great for teaching a dog what you want it to do (tasks, commands). However, it can fall short in stopping unwanted behaviors. Many dogs end up in shelters (or worse) because their owners have not been able to change their dog’s unwanted behaviors. Don’t let that be your dog. It doesn’t have to end that way.

If you choose to explore whether remote collar training is right for you and your dog, speak with a Professional Dog Trainer who is well versed in remote collar training to get the facts. Knowledge is power.

Dog shock collars for off leash k9 training.

Terie Hansen is Owner at Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care. Visit for more information.

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