
Ticks and the Outdoors

Ticks and the Outdoors In the Fall of the year, as the weather begins to cool and the ticksbeautiful colors are bestowed upon us, please remember that ticks are still a concern for us, our pet dogs and cats (our furry four-legged family members). Ticks are known to bite and transmit disease through early November (depending on our weather).  Ticks come in different colors, and can be black, brown, or tan, and they have eight legs. Ticks are not insects.  They are actually arachnids, and are related to spiders. They can be tiny; the size of a pin-head, so be aware. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, this time of year, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear loose, long sleeved-shirts, and pants in a light color. This helps to better be able to detect a small spec more easily, that may be a tick nymph.
  • Wipe off your clothing before going inside, and do a full body tick check after coming inside.  Ticks are resilient, and can live in a dormant state on your clothes.

tick on dogTo check your pet dog or cat, pet it slowly while applying more pressure than normal. Many times, you will feel a bump that you can then look closely at. Make sure to check their elbows, inside of their legs and in between toes, and around their collar. Those are often ticks favorite hiding spot on a dog. If you do find a tick on you or your dog, follow these simple steps:

  • Remove it promptly with a pair of tweezers or commercial tick remover, and be sure to pull outward, in a straight steady motion, removing the entire tick.
  • Drop the tick into a small container that contains alcohol, which will kill the tick, and mark the date on it.  If your dog starts displaying symptoms of a tick-borne illness, your veterinarian may want to test for Lyme disease

Ticks, when they aren’t noticed and removed quickly can cause paralysis in dogs, and sometimes even humans. Some ticks carry a toxin that is released into their host while feeding. That toxin affects movement control. At Mosquito Squad, we provide our clients with effective tick control on their properties, but that can’t protect them when they leave their yards.  Applying a repellent will keep the ticks away. By following these guidelines, you can reduce tick bite concerns all season long. For more detailed information on controlling ticks around your home, visit online or call us at 770-271-1833. And remember to always consult your doctor or veterinarian with any specific health concerns.

mosquito squadBy Jeannie Moreira, Mosquito Squad of Duluth-Lawrenceville          770-271-1833 

Are you nurturing your dog’s fears?

fearful dog

Are you unknowingly encouraging the fear your dog is feeling?

When someone we know (friend, family member, co-worker, child even someone we don’t know) gets frightened of something, as humans our first impulse is to comfort them. We might tell them “everything will be ok” or “don’t worry about it”. We might put our arm around them, give them a hug, hold their hand, pat them or stroke their head, all in a effort to sooth them and make them feel better.  All of these things generally help to make the person feel better and let’s face it we can use reason and logic with a human (well most). [Read more…]