10 Tips for Responsible Dog Ownership

When we think about responsible dog ownership we mostly think of providing food, shelter, veterinary care and love. But being a responsible dog owner goes way beyond those minimum requirements. Some questions to ask yourself… How am I providing for my dog’s mental health and well being? How am I and my dog impacting others? The environment? With these and other questions in mind here are my Top 10 tips for responsible dog ownership.

Dog Walking, We Have No Idea When You’ll Return

As a professional, while dog walking we may meet your neighbors and they may ask “When will she be back?” “I don’t know.” Wait! You don’t know when your clients are coming back from their vacation? You won’t tell a well-meaning neighbor (supposedly) that your client will be back on X day? It’s not like they are going to break in or anything! Sheesh! Maybe they were just making conversation. Maybe they are on Neighborhood watch duty and the Lilburn pet sitter looked suspicious.

Good Dog! Pet Care inquiries