Remote Collar Dog Training, Yes or No?
Petco says “stop the shock” and has decided to stop selling the low quality, remote collars they carry.
I say “good riddance” to those crappy systems, but not to high quality systems that are available through companies like E-Collar Technologies that, in the hands of professionals, who know how to properly train and use them are saving dogs lives on a daily basis.
But seriously… Things are heating up in the dog training world!
While this is an important conversation, you should have all the facts.
Some say… “Shock collars have been shown to increase fear, anxiety and stress in dogs… “. The same could be said of any tool (even a leash) used improperly.
A good trainer doesn’t increase these issues. The dogs come to us already with these issues and we work to alleviate them.
How to Train a Dog to Be Balanced
These words are as true for dog training as they are for anything else. How to train a dog
Many people say they want a well trained dog but not as many are willing to do what it takes to achieve that.
It’s easy to share love and affection. It’s not as easy to share structure and discipline.
Bring Fido, Dog Friendly Restaurant Etiquette
As the weather warms up, with it comes opportunities to bring Fido along for the ride. Taking your dog out for social experiences is a great way to bond with your dog as well as put into action those commands you’ve been teaching him. When you bring Fido to a dog friendly restaurant, etiquette is a must.
Dog Shock Collars ? The Truth About Contemporary Remote Collar Dog Training Off Leash K9 Training
When most people hear the words “Shock” collar it can be both scary and offensive. The “Shock” collars of old are nothing like the contemporary Remote Collars of today. Dog shock collars off leash k9 training.
dog shock collar off leash k9 training
While many people think that the dog is being “shocked” into submission, the truth is, contemporary trainers, using high end remote collars apply a “pressure” that is neutral, mild and based on the same technology as TENS machines used for physical therapy in humans. Dog shock collars off l
Dog Walker, Does Your Dog Need One?
If you are a busy professional who works long hours, a stay at home Dog walker needed busy professionalparent with a to-do list that never ends and includes more time on the road than an Uber driver, your dog may be taking a backseat in terms of time, attention and the all important potty and exercise breaks. A Professional Dog Walker can rescue you and your dog from this cycle.
Dog Training How To, Patience, Persistence and the Right Tools
In dog training as in many things you have to have the right attitude and the right tools (whether they be actual tools or techniques) in order to get the job done. Ask 10 dog trainers how to teach a dog any one specific command or behavior and your likely to get 10 different answers. That’s because dogs, just like people are each unique in how the learn and perceive the world. Some are more outgoing, assertive or confident while others may be shy, introvert even nervous or cautious. Many may be a blend of both confidence and cautiousness.
Why Basic Obedience Foundation Work Works!
Uncertainty and fear are relieved by authority. Training is authority. It’s a release valve. -Ryan Holiday Basic obedience foundation work.
When I say foundation work I’m talking about basic obedience such as:
Sit with implied stay Basic obedience foundation work
Down with implied stay
Place with implied stay (teaches calm on command)
(The above three commands are taught with an implied stay because, what good is sit, down or place if your dog doesn’t stay in them???)
Is My Dog Playing or Being Aggressive?
Knowing how to tell if your dogs playing at dog parks in Buford, GA is my dog playing or being aggressive?dog or puppy is being aggressive or playful when playing with another dog can be tricky for an average dog owner. What looks sometimes scary, -open mouths, mouthing each other, vocalizations from growling to barking, hackles up, jumping on each other, one dog pinning another down and wrestling can actually be just play styles. Dogs often exhibit behaviors similar to those used in aggressive encounters when playing.
10 Important Questions to Ask When Hiring a Pet Sitter
I’m sure like most pet owners, you feel that your pets are not just animals they are family members. As such you want to make sure that whoever is caring for them ishiring a pet sitter to provide pet care for your dog in your home qualified to do so. As a professional pet sitter, I have heard many horror stories from new clients regarding non-professionals they have used in the past. From pets left for days without food or water, to their pet sitter canceling on them at the last minute, to the person bringing other people, friends or family members into their home, to medications not being administered correctly or at all, to complete no shows and more! These tragedies and more are what caused them to seek out a professional pet sitting service.
The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet
Foxtails -A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its foxtails (grass awns) seeds as a unit. Thus the foxtail is a type of diaspore or “plant dispersal unit”. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail“, also “spear grass”. – wikipedia
foxtails grass awnThese “foxtail like” weed clusters have barbs that when disturbed, fall and work their way into the ground making it hard for the cluster to come loose from the dirt. The outside part of the cluster also harbors bacteria composed of enzymes that break down cellular matter.