Good Dog Blog

Rehabilitation Works on Humans, Dogs and Cats

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The Gwinnett County Jail Dog Program has just completed it’s 211th adoption!

Did you know that dogs in shelters and here at the jail become institutionalized after a while just like human inmates? It’s is important for shelter animals, as well as your own, to get a change of scenery and different forms of stimulation every now and then. Here at the jail we play in kiddie pools with the dogs on hot days, put wet food in Kongs and freeze them, have volunteer dog walkers take them to the park for a couple hours, have them play with puzzle food dishes, as well as a variety of other things to do or best to keep our 18 Jail Dogs from suffering from institutionalization.

Are you interested in helping with the Jail Dog or Jail Cat Program? The Jail Cats need more publicity, since it is a relatively new program, so if you have any cat lover friends please spread the word for us! The Jail Dog Program always needs publicity as well, but can also use dog walkers Monday-Friday 7:30am -4:00pm. If you are able to help contact us on Facebook or email us at:

Stephanie Martinez-Peres, MCJ, RVT

Operation Second Chance Coordinator, Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office

(w) 770-619-6481

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