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Why Hire A Professional Pet Sitter versus a Neighbor or Friend?

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Why Hire A Professional Pet Sitter versus a Neighbor or Friend?

Here is a true story about a family who left their dog in a care of a close family friend during the holidays.

Like many other individuals out there, they’ve had friends care for the house and pets before without problems. Their dog would be allowed to stay in the comfort of his own home and even though they didn’t have to pay for it they made sure to give their friend a nice gift for being there and for helping out.

They checked in with their friend every other day and things seemed great until they came home early to find the house urine-soaked with feces throughout, and their dog without water or food. Fortunately their dog was fine. Obviously they were extremely upset. When they were finally able to contact the friend, they learned that his car had broken down, leading to various other excuses that kept him from their home. In the end, it became obvious that their friend’s car took precedence over their dog. Instead of arranging alternate care, their beloved dog was quickly forgotten while the friend focused on the life of his car.

Friends are wonderful to have, but I have heard from countless clients, the first hand reality of what can go wrong when your pets’ lives are not in the hands of a professional. There is a truth that separates them from a professional pet sitter:

Your pet is a professional pet sitter’s first priority. A professional pet sitter has an obligation to care for your pet whether their car breaks down or not. When you hire a professional pet sitter, you’re hiring someone who has made a life commitment to the care of animals. Most professional pet sitters not only have pets of their own, but have chosen the profession precisely because their care for the animal kingdom is immense. A professional pet sitter not only invests in the life of your pet, but understands your care and concern as an owner. Hiring a professional pet sitter guarantees that you are hiring someone whose going to think of your pet’s needs before their own.

Professional pet sitters make sure to protect you, your pet, and even your home. Not only will most professional pet sitting services require you to sign a legally binding general service contract and veterinarian notification form, they’ll also have acquired insurance and bonding created specifically for professional pet sitters and agencies.

Some other great reasons to hire a professional pet sitter?

  • Your pets will never have to leave the comfort and security of their own home. This includes the added amenity of never being exposed to kennel-related diseases, or having to endure extra vaccinations simply in order to be kenneled. For many pets, life at the kennel is extremely stressful; this added stress can actually weaken your pet’s immune system and make them even more susceptible to disease.
  • Your pet will be able to stay on its daily food, break, and playtime schedule.
  • Professional pet sitters provide focused one-on-one personal pet care. When you hire a professional pet sitter, that specialized attention is included in their fee, not added a la carte. This one-on-one approach provides the focus needed to spot acute illnesses, changes in behavior or diet, and can prevent medical emergencies before they occur.
  • Professional pet sitters are often certified in pet first aid and CPR.
  • A professional pet sitter forms a strong bond with your pet. This bond reduces stress, provides your pet with a sense of protection and security, and prevents fear and confusion caused when multiple people are responsible for your pets care.

There are many, many more reasons to hire a professional pet sitter. In the end, both you and your pets will rest easy knowing that they’re in a professional pet sitter’s care. Your pets will spend your vacation playing, snuggling, and enjoying personalized pet care, while you relax on a beach in Hawaii, or – in most cases – work non-stop on that company project you’ve had to fly to another state for!!

Keys to Hiring a Professional Pet Sitter

Pet sitting has become a very popular profession in the recent years, but not many pet sitters who advertise these services are actually professionals. Here are several ways in which you can confirm that a pet sitter is truly a professional offering a valid service:

  • Ask to see a pet sitter’s business license. Most professionals will be registered not only with the state but with the city they reside or work in. Not every city requires a license for pet sitting, but most DO require licenses for boarding animals of any kind on the business’ premises.
  • Ask to see a pet sitter’s proof of insurance. All professional pet sitters will be insured and bonded. Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care is insured through Kennel Pro.
  • Associations such as NAPPS National Association of Professional Pet Sitters is a good place to start looking for a professional pet sitter.
  • Ask to see a pet sitter’s proof of first aid certification. Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care’s certification is through the American Red Cross.
  • A professional pet sitter should always provide you with a general service contract that is legally binding. This contract protects the pet sitter, the client, and most importantly, the pets involved. Please be cautious of a sitter that does not provide these documents; you are placing your pet’s life at risk!
  • Request references from your pet sitter. An established professional will be able to provide you with the references you need. An established client base is an important factor in choosing a pet sitter!
  • Ask for a business card – a professional will always be happy to give them out!

by Heather Barker of petcetera pet services

Terie Hansen Owner

Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care


Member of National Association of Professional Pet Sitter, Pet CPR & First Aid Certified

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