No You Can’t Pet My Dog
Question… Do you let random strangers come up to you or your child, get into your personal space and touch you, your child? No, of course you don’t. Why? Because you don’t know them, because it would be uncomfortable, because it would make you feel nervous, anxious or even scared. Because it’s just plain weird.
The Single Biggest Mistake You May Be Making
This may come as a surprise to many dog owners but, allowing your dog to meet other dogs or people while on leash may be the single biggest mistake you ever make. It can result in a multitude of negative outcomes and behaviors.
Who Advocates for Your Dog? You or Your Dog?
Advocate for your dog. If you don’t your dog will advocate for itself and that doesn’t usually turn out well. Who advocates for your dog?
Get Your Dog Walking In Following Mode
Get Your Dog Walking In Following Mode by using these techniques.
I get so many calls from people that have dogs that are reactive on the leash when they are walking them.
Dog Training Tips for Teaching Threshold
Thresholds at it pertains to dogs is an important but oftentimes overlooked area of training with many owners and dog trainers. Teaching a dog NOT to move through a threshold unless invited to do so can be lifesaving. A threshold is a door to the house, car door, crate door etc. So many times, I hear of dogs escaping through a door only to get lost, or worse, hit by a car or engage in dog fights. D