5 Spring Pet Safety Tips

Spring is just around the corner and with it a host of hazardous things for your pet to get into! Here are some tips on keeping pets safe this spring.

Is Your Dog at Risk for Deadly Bloat?

Bloat, otherwise known as Gastric Dilation and Volvulus can happen Bloat in dogswhen a dog’s stomach swells up and/or twists because it is filled with food, fluid or gas. The swelling creates pressure on the surrounding internal area. This can result in difficulty breathing, tears in the stomach wall and loss of blood flow to the heart and stomach. The twisting or “torsion” also cuts off critical blood flow to the heart and body by trapping it in the stomach both of which can send your dog into shock.

House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps

House Training Your Dog in 9 Easy Steps

House training your dog or puppy can go smoothly if you know what to do and you are consistent. Follow these 9 steps to accelerate the learning process.

Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?

Pet Insurance, Life Saver or Scam?
What is Pet Insurance? Pet insurance is health pet insurance lawrenceville, gainsurance for pets. There are plans that cover everything from routine vet visits to catastrophic illnesses. There are plans that only cover major medical events and accidents as well. There are varying levels of deductibles and most if not all are reimbursement plans. The good news is you can use any vet you like.

7 Stress Signals Your Dog May Offer Prior to a Bite

Teach Your Children Well, 7 Stress Signals To Watch for Prior to a Dog Bite

Dogs can and do bite. In the US alone 850,000 people seek medical fearful dogattention for dog bites annually. When children are bitten it is usually a dog they know (theirs, neighbors, friends). While biting is usually a last resort type of communication for most dogs, it is just that, a way of communicating “I am afraid” or “I don’t like what you are doing to or around me”. Usually a dog offers another form of communication previous to a bite. Most adults and definitely children either don’t pick up on these signals or ignore them.

Good Dog! Pet Care inquiries