4 Simple Tips to Sharpen Your Dog’s Basic Commands
It’s easy to have your dog become really good at performing the basic commands of sit, down, stay & come when called. Working these basic commands into their daily routine ensures that when you actually need them to perform one of these skills, your dog will be very good at it. This can be a lifesaver!
Bad Dog or Bored Dog? 10 Tips to Increase Good Behavior in Your Dog
If you ask me, there are no bad dogs, really. They are either bored and/or maybe justbad dog or bored dog haven’t been taught desirable positive behaviors. Dogs don’t want to misbehave. Quite the contrary, they want to make you happy. However, even when they have been taught/trained basic manners, if they are not getting what they need in terms of daily mental stimulation and physical exercise they may vent that energy in undesirable not to mention, negative ways.
5 Simple Tips for Getting Your Dog to Behave in Public
Getting your dog to behave in public can be frustrating especially if you have a high getting your dog to behave in public isn’t always easyenergy dog or if he/she is a young dog or puppy.
Dog Parks, Good or Bad? 4 Simple Tips
o dog park or not to dog park that is the question. A hotly debated question that I am frequently asked “ Is it ok to take my dog to dog parks?”. My answer “yes and no” depending on your dog. A dog park is for socializing (learning how to interact with other dogs) not exercising. Will your dog get exercise while at the dog park? Of course they will but never take a fully energized dog into a dog park or you could be setting your dog up for failure. Over excited dog = bad doggie manners = possible dog fight.
5 Simple Insights, Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It?
Microchipping Your Pet, Is It Worth It? 5 Simple Insights
Is this your idea of how to find your pet if they are lost?
microchip for dogs in lawrenceville, ga
Considering the fact that pets that HAVE a microchip are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners when lost than pets that are not. I say yes.
7 Stress Signals Your Dog May Offer Prior to a Bite
Teach Your Children Well, 7 Stress Signals To Watch for Prior to a Dog Bite
Dogs can and do bite. In the US alone 850,000 people seek medical fearful dogattention for dog bites annually. When children are bitten it is usually a dog they know (theirs, neighbors, friends). While biting is usually a last resort type of communication for most dogs, it is just that, a way of communicating “I am afraid” or “I don’t like what you are doing to or around me”. Usually a dog offers another form of communication previous to a bite. Most adults and definitely children either don’t pick up on these signals or ignore them.