Why Basic Obedience Foundation Work Works!

Uncertainty and fear are relieved by authority. Training is authority. It’s a release valve. -Ryan Holiday Basic obedience foundation work.

When I say foundation work I’m talking about basic obedience such as:

Sit with implied stay Basic obedience foundation work

Down with implied stay

Place with implied stay (teaches calm on command)

(The above three commands are taught with an implied stay because, what good is sit, down or place if your dog doesn’t stay in them???)

Want a Well Trained Dog? Talk Less, Do More

We all want a well trained dog, and we all talk to our dogs, don’t we? I know I do! However, when Well Trained Doggiving my dog a command, I typically only use one word (the command). I may also call her name first to get her attention if she is not looking at me, but I pause in between her name and the command until she is looking at me.

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