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Pet Sitter Notes: Amazing Animal (Pit Bull) Heroes

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Pet Sitter Thoughts:  Amazing Animal (Pit Bull) Heroes

Professional pet sitters know that animals are known for saving other animals from predators, but they are also known for saving humans from danger.  We are so used to hearing negative stories about Pit Bull Terriers attacking or biting people that I thought it might be refreshing to hear some positive stories that are often swept under the rug because we seem to be a society that values drama, sensationalism, blood and gore over positive happy endings.

I am not a Pit Bull fanatic who feels they can do no wrong, however ANY breed of dog that is powerful, athletic and full of energy and is not getting what it needs in terms of exercise, dog walking, discipline, training and yes affection is very dangerous indeed.   Being a dog trainer and pet sitter, I encounter many families with dogs who have run amuck because they were lacking just such necessities in life. But that is a whole different subject.

So I thought I would share with you some heroes of the Pit Bull variety that hopefully will give you the opportunity to realize that heroes come in all shapes, sizes and breeds.


A Pit Bull in Massachusetts saved its owners life by pulling her off the tracks of an oncoming train. Lilly managed to drag her owner off the tracks just before the train rumbled through. The conductor was unable to stop the locomotive in time, and the wheels wound up slicing through the dog’s right foot, fracturing her pelvis and causing other internal injuries, but her owner was uninjured.


Otis, an eight-month-old Pit Bull loves everybody he meets. Recently he proved just how much he loved his family. Chuck Thompson and his wife fell asleep watching television. About 2:30am, Otis let them know something was wrong. “The dog came through the house barking and growling” said Thompson. “He wouldn’t leave me alone.” Otis was relentless, running back and forth between the living room and the bedroom where the children were asleep. “Once I woke up, all of a sudden I could smell it,” said Thompson. “It was a surge protector in our twin girls’ bedroom and it was just about to catch on fire.”

A Fort Collins family’s pit bull saved a 9-year-old from being abducted from his backyard. “Destiny” came to the aid of the boy Monday night as a stranger was pulling him over the fence. The dog charged the assailant, who let go of the child and fled, according to the family.  “I got her to protect my kids,” Wayne Myers, the boy’s father, said of his 2-year-old dog. “I love pit bulls to death.”

Four-year-old Chief, a Pit Bull Terrier, dashed in front of a venomous snake which was poised to strike at an 87-year-old woman and her granddaughter. Chief dashed between the cobra and the two women, using himself as a shield against the cobra’s attacks. Chief then seized the cobra by the neck and slammed it into the floor, killing it. Chief saved them but died minutes later from the snake’s bite.

Our dog Cole is a Pit Bull Hero because she works alongside me tirelessly helping to rehabilitate dogs that are afraid of or aggressive towards other dogs. She is a calm influence and role model who shows them and their owners that there is a better way to live. That of a joyful, calm, happy dog.

Lastly, one of the most famous pit bulls of all time was Petey from The Little Rascals.He was their faithful friend, and cohort in mischief. The original Pete (sired by “Black Jack”) was an American Pit Bull Terrier named “Pal the Wonder Dog”, and had a natural ring almost completely around his eye; dye was used to finish it off.

So next time you see a pet sitter or someone dog walking a Pit Bull don’t judge on appearances or breed alone rather take a moment to get to know the individual inside the skin. Chances are you’ll be glad you did. Want to hear more?  Visit  for more great articles about Pit Bull heroes!

Terie Hansen Owner of Good Dog! Coaching & Pet Care. Hire a professional pet sitter to do some dog walking today!

May be reached at 404-422-9832

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