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Senior Cats Special Needs

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Senior Cats Special Needs.

Just as human seniors may have special needs, so do senior cats.

A cat can be considered senior at ages 7-9 years and geriatric beyond that.

As your cat ages, the process can be accompanied by physical and behavioral changes. These changes may not be outwardly obvious. Their immune system can be weaker than that of a younger cat. Dehydration which is common in older cats can further diminish blood circulation and immunity.

Older cats tend to groom themselves less leaving their fur to matte or smell. Their claws can thicken and become brittle.

Senior cats may experience memory loss or dementia causing them to wander about, meow excessively and even become less social. Hearing loss is common in cats of advanced age.

Dental disease is extremely common, painful and may cause a loss of appetite which can further lead to a senior cat’s overall decline in health.

Senior cat’s kidneys can undergo a number of age related changes which may lead to diminished function or even complete failure. Arthritis and Hyperthyroidism are also common ailments in geriatric cats.

Although aging is inevitable, you can make a difference in your senior cat’s life. Starting with nutrition, feed your cat a healthy diet. Wet food especially a raw diet is preferable to kibble in keeping your cat hydrated and healthy! Annual teeth cleanings can go a long way in maintaining your cat’s overall health. Exercise is important! A daily dose of playtime can increase muscle tone and blood circulation. Lastly, reducing stress by keeping a routine. If you have multiple cats, make sure you have ample litter boxes and preferably not all in the same place as territorial disputes can be stressful. If you travel, an in-home pet sitter is absolutely, less stressful than boarding.

Just a few simple changes can have your cat living longer and healthier!

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