Tips for a Better Behaved Dog, Apply Affection Strategically

We all love to shower our dogs with attention, love, praise and most of the time for no other reason than they are cute. But many times, too much affection and not enough structure is hurting your dog. better behaved dog It can create a bratty, ill behaved, entitled, nervous, even aggressive dog. As a trainer I’ve worked with many families who’s dogs have gotten to the point where the family just can’t stand the bad behaviors any longer. The answer to a better behaved dog is structure discipline, boundaries and using affection strategically and dare I say, sparingly.

Want a Well Trained Dog? Talk Less, Do More

We all want a well trained dog, and we all talk to our dogs, don’t we? I know I do! However, when Well Trained Doggiving my dog a command, I typically only use one word (the command). I may also call her name first to get her attention if she is not looking at me, but I pause in between her name and the command until she is looking at me.

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