
Dog Training How To, Patience, Persistence and the Right Tools

Dog Training How To, Patience, Persistence and the Right Tools. 

In dog training as in many things you have to have the right attitude and the right tools (whether they be actual tools or techniques) in order to get the job done. Ask 10 dog trainers how to teach a dog any one specific command or behavior and your likely to get 10 different answers. [Read more…]

Want a Well Trained Dog? Talk Less, Do More

The Secret to a Well Trained Dog. Talk Less, Do More

We all want a well trained dog, and we all talk to our dogs, don’t we? I know I do! However, when Well Trained Doggiving my dog a command, I typically only use one word (the command). I may also call her name first to get her attention if she is not looking at me, but I pause in between her name and the command until she is looking at me. Want that well trained dog?

When just beginning the training process with clients I notice that [Read more…]