No You Can’t Pet My Dog
Question… Do you let random strangers come up to you or your child, get into your personal space and touch you, your child? No, of course you don’t. Why? Because you don’t know them, because it would be uncomfortable, because it would make you feel nervous, anxious or even scared. Because it’s just plain weird.
Introducing the New Dog, What’s the Rush?
As the saying goes “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”. The same applies when introducing a new dog/puppy to your current dog(s). My best advice? Go slowly through the process. And it IS a process. Let’s face it, it could go either way if you just put them together to see what happens. Which is what most people do. It could turn out just fine in the short term, but in the long run it could be building towards a fight.
New Year, New Dog
A dog can learn new things at any age. If you’ve been living with a dog that has less than desirable behaviors, there’s no time like the present to make a change. It’s a new year, new dog!
Flirt Pole Fun, How to Engage Your Terrier
Flirt Pole Fun, How to Engage your Terrier Breed. Terriers love to chase. It is an instinct that runs strong in the breed.
Fido, July 4th Fireworks 6 Simple Safety Tips
More pets go missing July 4th through the 6th because of Fireworks. Sadly, on average only 14% are returned to their owners! Here are 5 Simple safety tips about Fido , July 4th fireworks and Fido July 4th Fireworkshow to minimize the trauma.
When In Doubt, Dogs Work It Out… To Their Advantage
Dog’s don’t live in a vacuum. They are constantly learning about their environment and about us. They are watching and decipheringdogs work it out place command dog training what they think we are trying to communicate to them, even though we may be unaware that we even ARE communicating to them! When unclear about what we are saying to them (and let’s face it, we usually use WAY more words than we need) they “listen” to our body language and tone of voice. Cues, cues and more cues! Your body language (cues) may be incongruous with your verbal commands (or even unintentional) causing your dog to be confused as to what behavior you prefer. When this happens, they shape their world to their best advantage. In other words, they will resort to whatever suits them. When in doubt, dogs work it out… to their advantage.
Dog Training How To, Patience, Persistence and the Right Tools
In dog training as in many things you have to have the right attitude and the right tools (whether they be actual tools or techniques) in order to get the job done. Ask 10 dog trainers how to teach a dog any one specific command or behavior and your likely to get 10 different answers. That’s because dogs, just like people are each unique in how the learn and perceive the world. Some are more outgoing, assertive or confident while others may be shy, introvert even nervous or cautious. Many may be a blend of both confidence and cautiousness.
Is My Dog Playing or Being Aggressive?
Knowing how to tell if your dogs playing at dog parks in Buford, GA is my dog playing or being aggressive?dog or puppy is being aggressive or playful when playing with another dog can be tricky for an average dog owner. What looks sometimes scary, -open mouths, mouthing each other, vocalizations from growling to barking, hackles up, jumping on each other, one dog pinning another down and wrestling can actually be just play styles. Dogs often exhibit behaviors similar to those used in aggressive encounters when playing.
Helping Your Fearful Dog Gain Confidence
Living a life filled with fear or anxiety is no fun for humans or dogs. In fact, it is a terrible way to live. Feelings of anxiety, nervousness fearful dog hidesand fear flood the body with toxic chemicals and can shorten a lifespan. Helping your fearful dog gain confidence can be as simple as introducing exercise into their routine, implementing basic obedience skills, coping skills and using something pleasurable (food or toys) to change the way your dog feels about the fearful object or environment.
6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogs
I receive many calls regarding potty training both for puppies and adult dogs. With the holiday season there will be many more calls as puppies and dogs are high on the Christmas wish list.