6 Potty Training Tips for Puppies and Adult Dogs
I receive many calls regarding potty training both for puppies and adult dogs. With the holiday season there will be many more calls as puppies and dogs are high on the Christmas wish list.
Pet Suffocation, Snack Bag Dangers
Recently a pet sitter of ours arrived at a client’s home for their daily dog walk only to find that sadly the dog had passed away. She found the dog at the base of the stairs with a potato chip bag stuck firmly on his head. She started Cpr immediately but it was too late. Cause of death, suffocation by the snack bag
Blastomycosis: Is Your Dog At Risk for Death by Fungus?
Lurking in your yard, in your mulch no less could be a naturally occurring fungus that readily infects dogs, cats as well as people and can be deadly for dogs and cats if not caught early. Blastomycosis is a yeast like fungal infection caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis.
The Dangers of Foxtails and Your Pet
Foxtails -A foxtail is a spikelet or spikelet cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its foxtails (grass awns) seeds as a unit. Thus the foxtail is a type of diaspore or “plant dispersal unit”. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called “foxtail“, also “spear grass”. – wikipedia
foxtails grass awnThese “foxtail like” weed clusters have barbs that when disturbed, fall and work their way into the ground making it hard for the cluster to come loose from the dirt. The outside part of the cluster also harbors bacteria composed of enzymes that break down cellular matter.
7 Stress Signals Your Dog May Offer Prior to a Bite
Teach Your Children Well, 7 Stress Signals To Watch for Prior to a Dog Bite
Dogs can and do bite. In the US alone 850,000 people seek medical fearful dogattention for dog bites annually. When children are bitten it is usually a dog they know (theirs, neighbors, friends). While biting is usually a last resort type of communication for most dogs, it is just that, a way of communicating “I am afraid” or “I don’t like what you are doing to or around me”. Usually a dog offers another form of communication previous to a bite. Most adults and definitely children either don’t pick up on these signals or ignore them.