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Dog Walker, Does Your Dog Need One?

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If you are a busy professional who works long hours, a stay at home parent with a to-do list that never ends and includes more time on the road than an Uber driver, your dog may be taking a backseat in terms of time, attention and the all important potty and exercise breaks. A Professional Dog Walker can rescue you and your dog from this cycle.

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professional Dog Walker can help relieve the pressure (literally) on your dog and you!

In this day and age many dog owners are away from home 8 or more hours a day. That’s a long time for your dog to have to “hold it”. Even if they can, doesn’t mean they should.

Having your dog “hold it” for long periods of time can lead to bacteria accumulation in the urine, weakened bladder muscles, urinary tract or kidney infections and even the development of bladder stones.

Compounded over the years, “holding it” for long periods of time dog walker helps incontinence in dogscan contribute to incontinence later in life. Many otherwise healthy senior dogs are rehomed or worse (put down) because of this issue. Can you imagine living with a dog that can’t hold it?? Giving your dog the advdog walker in duluth, gaantage of a midday potty break, not to mention the added benefit of additional exercise can lead to a healthier dog overall, decrease visits to the vet’s office and increase your dog’s lifespan.

professional Dog Walker is a great option for all types of dogs.

From puppies and senior dogs who may be overwhelmed by too many dogs at a doggie daycare, or have a weaker immune system, to dogs who are dog aggressive but are perfectly human friendly. Dogs who need to be crated during the day because of destructive behaviors or other issues are great candidates as well. Even dogs who are a bit shy enjoy the company of their midday friend who they build a bond with over time. A midday potty break and dog walk gives your dog the opportunity to get out, go potty, stretch their legs and explore the world around them. Plus, you get to come home and just enjoy your dog!

Whether you need one or more days per week of care, a Professional Dog Walker is flexible and comes to you!

The cost of a Professional Dog Walker is also usually less than that of daycare and not having to drop off or pick up your dog from daycare is a big plus. Cutting down on your morning and evening commute, saving you time and fuel costs. Any way you look at it, giving your dog a midday walk, play and potty break is a huge boost to your dog’s daily routine and overall health. Plus, you get a worry free work day and peace of mind knowing that your dog doesn’t have to “hold it” ALL DAY LONG!


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