Marker Training Dogs Effectively, Speeds Up Training

Marker training is simple and effective. A marker isMarker Training Dog a sound (either from a clicker or a word such as “Yes!”) that marks the exact moment an animal performs a desired behavior. When charged up, the marker tells your dog that they did something good and that a reward is coming.

Training Your Puppy or Dog to Accept Handling By You and Others

One of the most important things you can teach your puppy or dog training dog to accept handling by groomeris to allow handling and touch to any and all of his body parts. Teaching him that being touched either by you, a pet professional or accidently in an inappropriate way such as a pull on the ear by a child is no big deal or better yet is good. Training can help keep him calm and prevent aggression. Aggression can result in your dog having to be muzzled and/or sedated at the vet or groomer. This is no fun for your dog or the professionals that have to interact with your dog.

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