
Have You Challenged Your Dog’s Brain Lately?

Is your dog eating your sofa? Digging holes in your back yard? Barking at everything that moves (or isn’t moving)? Or maybe he’s sedentary, bored out of his mind and depressed AKA lays around all day. Have you challenged your dog’s brain lately?

If not then maybe it’s time for some brain building activities! Here are some fun ways you can enrich your dog’s life through stimulating and fun activities.

slo-bowlsSlo Bowls – a fun way to eat! These dog bowls keep meals interesting and slow your dog down so they can savor their meals instead of inhaling them. Dog’s find interesting ways to get their food out and it isn’t just by licking!

Teach your dog tricks! Really a command is just a trick that you have taught your dog. Any time your dog is learning something new it is enriching their life. Even simple tricks like shake, roll over, High five, give kiss, and more challenge your dog’s brain and are great ways to get your dog [Read more…]

Is Your Dog at Risk for Deadly Bloat?

Bloat, otherwise known as Gastric Dilation and Volvulus can happen Bloat in dogswhen a dog’s stomach swells up and/or twists because it is filled with food, fluid or gas. The swelling creates pressure on the surrounding internal area. This can result in difficulty breathing, tears in the stomach wall and loss of blood flow to the heart and stomach. The twisting or “torsion” also cuts off critical blood flow to the heart and body by trapping it in the stomach both of which can send your dog into shock.
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